Posts Tagged ‘ debris ’

Replacement Windshield

Monday.  Back to the weekly grind.  Thursday was a happy morning for me because I got 4 of 6 lotto numbers for a total winnings of $56.  Although I cant get that Harley-Davidson F-150 just yet, I was happy on my Thursday morning drive to work.  FRIDAY, however….I was on my way to work at about 6:15am and stopped at the light at the intesection of Greenhouse and Saums.  As the light turned green, I pulled through intersection and BAM!! It was the loudest smack against my windshield I had ever heard.  It resulted in a huge smash that even my insurance agent has never seen from a road debris incident.

2010 Escape Windshield

Something hit my windshield...surprise expense

   For a split second at first, I thought I had been shot or someone intentionally threw something to shatter my window.  At 6AM it wass too dark to see what happened and I couldnt just stop in traffic, so I came on in to work.  Now I am “blessed” to find a use for all that overtime cash I had earned working late hours and being away from my family more than I care to be.  How lucky I am.  
   Now I need to find a place to replace my widnshield.  I asked my Facebook friends for some recommendations of which I received 3. One back in a part of town I used to live in and have used before (Scotty’s Glass), but is just really far from where I live now. The other two were My Mechanic at Green Trails and Affordable Auto Glass on Hillcroft at SW Fwy.
I made some calls to get a quote for my 2010 Ford Escape windshield and here is what I got….

Scotty’s Glass (713) 928-5036
$249+tax installed

My Mechanic @ Green Trails  (281) 647-6666

Affordable Auto Glass (713) 952-4000
$160 Installed at my home
$130 Installed at the shop

Hmmmm sounds like a no brainer. I am not sure why such a difference in the prices, but I will let you know my experiences with Affordable Auto Glass who’s price has won my hard earned money.  The more it’ll cost me, the less that goes to my family…and I cant have that.